College Timeline
The college recruiting process is exactly that -- a process. These guidelines are designed to help players and parents understand and develop a timeline of tasks that should be completed over the recruitment years. It should be noted that parents should most definitely be involved in this process, but most communication should come from the player when interacting with colleges and universities. Coaches want to see kids who are independent, can hold a conversation, and are willing to lead; having the parent do most of the communication is typically seen negatively from the coaches perspective. With that in mind, it is encouraged that players begin the administrative process themselves.
Ø Meet with your high school guidance counselor to set a four-year academic plan.
Ø Start an academic path that will satisfy NCAA rules (Discuss Core Courses)
Ø Set short and long-term academic...
Ø Continue to focus on your academics
Ø Meet with high school counselor to review and revise your academic plan
Ø Make sure your class schedule satisfies the NCAA core course requirements
Ø Review...
Ø Complete the NCAA Eligibility Center application
Ø Meet with high school counselor to review and revise your academic plan
Ø Make sure your class schedule satisfies the NCAA core course...
Ø Narrow your school list to approximately 5 schools
Ø Finalize applications
Ø Complete applications in the fall
Ø Allow time to edit and finalize essays and collect letters of recommendations...
NCAA Eligibility Center Checklist