Ø Continue to focus on your academics

Ø Meet with high school counselor to review and revise your academic plan

Ø Make sure your class schedule satisfies the NCAA core course requirements

Ø Review your grades and academic goals with your family

Ø Understand the path to AP classes for junior and senior years

Ø Register for the PSAT:

Ø Identify 20+ schools of interest and categorize schools on:

o Dream schools

o think I can play at… I know I can play at…

Ø Research the schools on your interest list in the following areas:

o Academic Degrees

o Soccer Program and Athletic Department

o Private/Public Institution

o Enrollment size, location of school and surround areas

o Cost of enrollment, Financial Aid, Academic Scholarships

Ø Contact admissions and financial aid offices to be added to their mailing lists

Ø Create personalized resume and cover letter

Ø Correspond with college coaches via email with your cover letter, resume, academic achievements and your teams' tournament/showcase plans

Ø If you are playing near a school that you are interested in, email them the week of the game

Ø Before showcases, email all of the schools. (This should be done all the way up until you commit...adding or dropping schools depending on the process)

Ø Meet with your coach/Director to review the school you're interested in attending

Ø Visit college campuses

Ø Take admissions tour

Ø Visit the athletic/soccer facilities

Ø Schedule a meeting with a member of the coaching staff

Ø Unofficial visits

Ø Research and attend college summer soccer camps

Ø Most schools have short "elite" camps rather than the full 5 day camp. There are usually less expensive and better players attend. You may be seen by a number of coaches at some of these camps, as many programs bring in outside coaches from other programs.

Ø You will get a number of inquiries about camps form schools that may appear like recruiting letters. Before you go, find out if you are going to be recruited or if you were just on the mailing list!

Ø Soccer research: look at the past 2 years' recruiting classes for those schools

Ø Go watch your schools of interest play games or train

Related Links


Yogen Fruz

We Got Soccer

DICK'S Sporting Goods

