Parental support and involvement in a player’s development through the Club are essential. Parents must be equally committed to their child’s participation in the Club and ensure that players attend all trainings, games, and other team functions.

We understand that there will be times when scheduling conflicts are unavoidable and other commitments will prevail. The Club requires your communication, planning and understanding so that we can minimize conflicts. Each team will present a periodic schedule to allow you time for planning. When a parent or player has an unavoidable conflict, the Club expects timely communication to see if we can make any necessary adjustments. The team coach will make final decisions about scheduling after careful consideration of your needs and those of the Club.



Parents must attend quarterly Zoom parent meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to facilitate a direct and continuous flow of communication between parents and coaching staff. The objective of the quarterly parent meetings is to ensure that parents understand the objectives and expectations of club coaching staff. Similarly, these meetings are a time for coaching staff to understand the expectations of parents.

At each meeting, club coaching staff will provide feedback about the team’s progress, and will set out the training objectives and update parents on the team’s schedule. These meetings are also a time for parents to ask questions or express any concerns they may have so we can proactively address them.



The Club has a very strict policy against parents coaching from the sideline. There will be absolutely no coaching by parents at games or practices. Expressions such as “go”, “shoot”, “pass”, “kick it” or “send it” are interpreted by players as instructions and are not desirable. Players are expected to implement certain techniques and make tactical decisions in games. Players are given specific instructions by their coaches who have particular knowledge of every player’s ability and the team’s overall objectives or strategies for the game. Instructions by parents, while well-intentioned, often confuse players, particularly when such instructions conflict with the coach’s instructions. This is counter-productive to a player’s development and to the success of the team as a whole.

The Club also has a strict policy against yelling, complaining or criticizing referees or other game officials during or after games.



Parents must refrain, at all times, from criticizing players or “moaning” with disappointment when a player makes a mistake. Players know when they make mistakes (especially bad ones). Mistakes are an important part of a player’s education of the game and individual development. The Club teaches players how to recover from mistakes (both physically and emotionally) and how to capitalize on mistakes as part of the player’s learning process.



Please respect the decisions of the team coach and do not vocalize any negative remarks, whether to other parents or players, about coaching decisions. The Club’s first priority is the long-term growth and development of its players as individuals along with their soccer ability under pressure. There will be times when coaches make decisions and players are instructed to do things that parents will not understand. At the younger ages, team and player development will be given greater priority than winning. Parents must understand these objectives and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with this philosophy in order to maintain a healthy team environment. Playing only to win, without focusing on individual player development or the development of the team as a whole, will ultimately hamper the process by which players develop into competitive athletes.



The Club believes in and teaches players the benefits of mental toughness. Players will develop the ability to manage their emotions and maintain their focus through a variety of conditions outside of their control. Coaches will teach players to overcome adverse conditions such as poor refereeing, name calling, foul language, dirty play, cheating, poor weather, negative behavior by parents or opponents, etc. We expect our players (as well as our coaches and parents) to have the same mental toughness.



Parents will exercise good judgment and conduct themselves in an exemplary fashion on all soccer related occasions. Parents will not harass referees or opposing players and parents. Constant dissent from parents toward referees does harm to the team and is not in the spirit of the game. Improper behavior will not be tolerated and removal from the match and from the club may be enforced. Parents will refrain from COACHING FROM THE SIDELINES, as many times it is in direct conflict with the instructions that players receive from their coach and causes confusion and problems during the game.  In general, parental behavior both on and off the field that is detrimental to team and /or club spirit, or interfere in achieving team and/or club goals may result in removal of BOTH the player and parent from membership in the club.                                                 


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