Although it is our intent to honor the commitment to play with the Shores Soccer Club for the entire seasonal year, we understand that by accepting the position offered and completing the registration documents, we are obligated to pay the full program cost.  Additionally, we understand that we will share in team expenses above and beyond the club program costs noted above, to cover entry fees to tournaments that the team decides to participate in, referee fees, and our travel costs associated with attending these events. The team may seek and receive donations or fundraise to defray these expenses as well.  I understand that all funds collected will be credited to the club account to be used for such club expenses. These funds remain with the Shores Soccer Club should the player decide to leave the club.  



We will not release any player after they have signed on to play with our Club. The only option for release is to pay the entire balance on player account plus the release fee of $300.00 and any other fees associated with the release. This is strict policy and will not be waived.



We have a NO REFUND POLICY. Please make sure you understand everything before committing to our program. 



Parents are asked to give time, money and support to our program. Your comments and suggestions regarding your team are regarded with great respect and your support is crucial to the team concept. However please understand that the final decisions regarding what is in the best interest of the entire team ultimately rests with the coach, Director and Club Manager.   "As a member of a club, I realize that my son/daughter is part of more than just a team but a member of an entire club organization committed to excellence in soccer education; and that membership is a privilege not a right; and as part of that membership I agree to commit to the club's vision, mission, and goals and will contribute to it's implementation and success". “We agree with the conditions set forth in this document and pledge our full support in promoting the Shores Soccer, our team, and the ideals that have been established. Failure to adhere to these conditions set forth can result in the possible suspension or dismissal from the club.”  

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Yogen Fruz